In solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples in Canada, we honor the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. This day is an important component of Canada’s on-going journey of Truth and Reconciliation with all Indigenous Peoples in Canada. It was created to implement recommendation # 80 of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action to honour survivors, their families, and communities, and commemorate the history and legacy of residential schools. Canada’s colonial past and genocidal legacy imposed the Indian Residential School System that dispossessed and deeply harmed Indigenous Peoples, their cultures, and languages. The impact of the unresolved trauma passed on from generation to generation calls for multi-generational healing and reconciliation. We acknowledge that First Nations, Métis, and Inuit across Canada in reserves, urban, and rural locations continue to face systemic violence, oppression, and exclusion. We further acknowledge that many non-Indigenous People and communities in Canada benefited and continue to benefit from Canada’s colonial past and therefore have individual and collective responsibility towards reconciliation. Canada’s legacy of murder and enslavement of Black people in Canada unites People of African Descent and Indigenous Peoples in the struggle for justice, equity, truth, and reconciliation. NABC remains committed to standing and working alongside Indigenous Peoples in this journey. NABC is in the process of launching an initiative to bring together Indigenous and Black Leaders to amplify decolonizing efforts and create the conditions for increasing our collective activities to address the Truth & Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action. Resources to educate yourself, family, and communities and ways to get involved 1. On the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation give one day’s pay to support Indigenous projects, movements, organizations, and nations. 2. Read the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action. 3. Learn About Whose Land You Live On: Find out whose traditional territory you live on. 4. Read about the On Canada Project to know how, as a settler, you can take action towards truth and reconciliation. 5. Take online courses and watch films that provide a comprehensive, customized anti-racist education in line with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action. 6. Learn about the work of the National Truth & Reconciliation Centre: |