Welcome to the Network for the Advancement of Black Communities

A catalyst for collective change and wisdom

Long-standing systemic challenges confronting Black Communities cannot be addressed unless we tackle the underlying causes. Through our systems thinking, network impact, and systems change approaches, we provide organizations and leaders with a range of tools to address systemic challenges. 

Learning is at the core of systems change. We provide innovative supports to organizations and groups to strengthen their adaptive capacity to be effective participants and leaders in driving positive outcomes for Black Communities. 

Training, complemented with mentoring, coaching and other learning effectiveness activities, is key to building individual and organizational capacity.  The training we offer through workshops, webinars, etc. is complemented with access to high quality capacity building resources and tools. 

Our evaluative activities, beyond the provision of expertise and advice to organizational leaders, include collaborative efforts to integrate Africentric values in the field of evaluation

Our network brings together organizations, groups, partners, funders and allies to create optimal conditions for collaboration. Through network weaving and convening, and network capacity building activities, we engage in order to address root causes of systemic challenges of Black Communities. 

Our government relations and public policy work aims at advancing the interests of Black Communities in creating transformative relationships with governments and sector allies to address long-standing systemic challenges confronting our communities.

We generate, synthesize and disseminate knowledge that impacts programs, organizational practices and government policies.

We provide service coordination supports under the Enhanced Ontario Black Youth Action Plan to various clusters of Black-led organizations providing various services to children, youth and families.

We work with Black-led organizations, governments, philanthropic and sector allies to design and implement grants that build organizational and collective capacity in Black-led organizations, networks and grassroots. Our grantmaking practices create collaborative opportunities for learning and deepening impact.


NABC Initiatives and Partnerships

News & Events At the Network for the Advancement of Black Communities (NABC), we are committed to fostering systemic change and strengthening Black-led organizations across Canada. Our latest pamphlet highlights key initiatives, partnerships, and strategies

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Our Impact

“Having led a network of 11 Rwandan Canadian agencies during the pandemic, I can’t imagine what the pandemic would have been like for our members without the Network’s support. 

The Network for the Advancement of Black Communities (NABC)’s support allows our member agencies to deliver much needed COVID-19 Emergency Support, and as we transition into the recovery phase, NABC continues to support our work by offering facilitation programs & services, such as capacity building training, collaborative support, and perhaps more importantly; NABC continues to represent African Canadian community issues at the decision tables, while working to influence policy change in various areas at local, regional and federal levels.”

Kizito Musabimana
Founder & Executive Director of the Rwandan Canadian Healing Centre

Nafisa Mohamed (She/Her)
Senior Coordinator, Internal Systems and Initiatives 

[email protected]

Sarah Mekonen (She/Her)
Senior Coordinator, Communications and Digital Content  

[email protected]

RaeChelle-Faith Ankamreddy (She/Her)
Senior Government Relations and Policy Analyst

[email protected]

Rosemary Erskine (She/Her)
Director, Organizational and System Capacity

[email protected]

Allan Boesak (He/Him)
Director, Youth, African Diaspora and Continental Engagement

[email protected]

Denise Challenger (She/Her) 
Director, Network Weaving and Learning

[email protected] 

Yonatan Ghebray (He/Him)
Associate Executive Director

[email protected]

amanuel melles (He/Him)
Executive Director

[email protected]

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© 2018 Network for the
Advancement of
Black Communities.
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